Woooohoooo! 🥳
We didn’t believe it ourselves either, but after trying for ages we were finally able to acquire the starware.com domain name!
We moved from local country domains to the central .dev domain earlier this year, but in the end, the .com domain is the only one that really fits our ambitions of being a global service company in the world of supply chain software.
When we started our company almost 30 years ago, the internet basically was sending emails and searching homegrown websites with Altavista, or even worse: dialing into CompuServe. 😉
We were students and selling computers locally in Gouda, so we started out with claiming starware.nl.
At that same time, another Starware from the Middle East claimed the .com domain. We never were in each other’s influence sphere so it didn’t matter that much at that time.
We even met the owner of the other Starware at a trade show in Germany once and jokingly discussed if we could take over the domain from him, but they had too much of a name built for themselves as well to consider it.
Our motto of being in it for the long run, finally paid off again earlier this month. Now after 30 years we have seemed to outlive the other Starware who sold the domain to a party in Germany.
We were now in the unique position of acquiring the O.G. of all Starware domain names!
So with the help of domain registrar giant GoDaddy, we can proudly announce that we are reachable at STARWARE.COM from now on!
We are really happy with the domain name as it underlines our ambition of being a global and diverse company.
To celebrate it we are giving everyone a 20% discount on all our merchandise in the Starware merchandise shop 🛍. Use the promo code COMeAgain20
Does Starware a webshop as well? Sure we do! Visit it via our new starware.com site or if you by accident misspelled our name, you’ll get taken there by default: starwear.dev
#starware #domain #global #supplychain #wms.