Starware has been invited and accepted to chair the Partner Alliance Council of Blue Yonder in the EMEA region. The Partner Alliance Council (PAC) is brought to life to build a better future between Blue Yonder and its partners. It will focus on improving communication and collaboration, and cultivating the unique partner ecosystem of Blue Yonder.
We are honored to have been asked to chair the PAC for the EMEA region. The fact that this has been put high on the agenda, really shows the open culture at Blue Yonder, in our opinion. It also emphasizes the desire to work together and always chase the ultimate goal, the create the best supply chain solutions for our customers.
There’s room for 12 partners in the EMEA PAC, we are aiming to get a good mix of larger and smaller partners across a multitude of specializations. So if you want to join us and improve the relationship between Blue Yonder and its partners even further, just send an email to [email protected] with your application. It might help to include a photo of yourself in your best StarWars outfit 😉
We strive to have the final composition of the PAC ready in Q4 of 2022.
Special thanks to Rolf Donslund for always being there for us throughout our journey of 10 years as a BlueYonder partner. It’s hard to imagine a more qualified and caring counterpart! Here’s to the next ten years of partnership! 🍻